Pixar released Onward, an animated feature that tells the tale of two elf brothers who embark on a magical quest to spend time with their late father, in February 2020. Officer Spector, voiced by Lena Waithe, mentions her relationship during a parenting discussion with another secondary character: 'It’s not easy being a new parent – my girlfriend’s daughter got me pulling my hair out, okay?' The film included a secondary character, Officer Spector, a cyclops cop for the city of New Mushroomton, who was in a lesbian relationship. The line sparked outrage is several eastern countries, resulting in a ban of its release in Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Deadline reported. Russia, which has a history of censoring gay content, changed the word 'girlfriend' to 'partner' in the parenting scene.
Local advertisements for the film also avoided mentioning Officer's Spector's gender. Meanwhile, members of the LGBT community have heralded Officer Spector as Disney's first openly gay character.
In Marvel's Eternals, a same-sex kiss shared by Phastos and his husband, Ben Stoss, was edited out in the Arab Emirates, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Ethiopia, Palestine, Syria and Turkey.